We can help restore your driving privileges if you are suspended or revoked because we have represented hundreds of clients in formal hearings. A formal hearing is a contested proceeding before a hearing officer where we represent you against the Secretary of State, who is also represented by an attorney. Since you are subject to both direct examination and cross-examination, we make sure you are totally prepared for the hearing so you are guaranteed driving relief. We will review and address your complete driving and criminal record, lifestyle changes and any hardship resulting from the loss of driving privileges. If relevant, we will also review and focus on any alcohol/drug use history, symptoms of alcohol/drug abuse and any treatment history. We will also provide proper documentation in the hearing which may include an alcohol/drug evaluation, treatment documentation, risk education verification, and letters from family, friends and acquaintances documenting current alcohol/drug use, abstinence or support group participation. In making sure you are prepared and the proper documentation is provided, we can help ensure you will once again enjoy your driving privileges.